Audio walk in the neighborhood Santos ao Rego, developed for the project Verde que te quero (Lisbon/PT, 2024).

© Felipe Xavier
The term marginalia refers to notes scribbled by a reader in the margins of a book. Through annotations and drawings, a parallel text is created, closely interacting with the original content. Marginalia vegetal is a audiowalk through the Santos ao Rego area, guided by a set of observations made in the margins of the visited places. The walk is led by the presence of vegetation, focusing on their various forms of existence and cultivation within the city, as well as the stories that sprout between people and plants.

© Felipe Xavier
marginalia vegetal is an activity within the project verde que te quero
creation, research, text, and graphic material: flora paim
with excerpts from rebecca solnit, efrén giraldo, vozes vegetais (joana de oliveira, stelio marras, ana de lima, karen shiratori e laure emperaire), gilles clément, jared farmer, oswald de andrade, palavra cantada, renato sztutman, lêdo ivo, manoel de barros, walter benjamin, ábalos & herreros e louise ganz
sound recording and editing: flora paim e lis paim
lis paim
voices: flora paim, nilton resende, robô beatriz, filipa neiva, miguel vale
coordination and communication: sara goulart
production: ana catarino
design: joana paz
parternships: avenidas - um teatro em cada bairro, lisboa incomum
organization: efabula
funding: bip/zip lisboa — parcerias locais
acknowledgments: carlos freixo, felipe xavier, filipa neiva, isabel stein, miguel vale, nilton resende, brisa paim