Desindustrialisation, still. visual essays and artistic methodologies
edição de publicação (Dezembro 2023)
Book edited by Inês Moreira, Beatriz Duarte and Flora Paim published by Landscape, Territory and Heritage Laboratory of the University of Minho (Lab2PT).
Deindustrialization, still. brings together visual essays that focus on industrial landscapes, their heritage and representations as an object of artistic research. The profound complexity of these sites invites inventive approaches, developed both through research based on artistic methods as through research-based artistic practice. By oscillating between post- and de-industrialization, the authors start from specific sites to experiment with different approaches to the past and to return other narratives and memories to places. + informações
Editors: Inês Moreira Beatriz Duarte Flora Paim Lab2PT; Authors: Beatriz Duarte, Carla Cruz, Flora Paim, Inês Moreira, João Costa Leite, Pedro da Silva, Joana Mateus, Inês Azevedo, Rachel Merlino e Susana Gaudêncio; Graphic Design: Macedo Cannatà; Legal Deposit: 524781/23; ISBN | ISSN: 978-989-8963-89-5.