Flora Paim is a Brazilian architect-urbanist, researcher and artist currently based in Portugal. Graduated in Architecture and Urbanism, she holds a Master degree in Art and Design for Public Spaces. She is currently affiliated to the Institute of Art History as PhD candidate in Artistic Studies – Art and Mediations at NOVA School of Social Sciences and Humanities, with the support of the Foundation for Science and Technology.

The research of specific places, concerning their multiple possible constructive dimensions (physical, affective, historical, political...), is often the basis of her works, which assume different formats, such as collective walks, interventions in landscapes, publications, and audiovisual installations.
From a sensitive and critical approach to space, she is concerned with the permanence of the signs of particular practices and temporalities inscribed in voids, informal, and residual spaces, amidst rubble and ruined architectures.

florapaimd@gmail.com | @florpaim

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