Topographical accounts of urban demolition
workshop by Flora Paim (July 2023)
Workshop held during the 2º Internacional Summerchol of the institute of Sociology of the University of Porto - On war and peace - How tensions and conflicts cross societies . + informations about the summerschool
The city is a text that is frequently being scratched, erased, and rewritten. Traces of diverse temporalities and ways of life gradually overlap in a non-linear spatial calligraphy. The pace of this writing may, however, be accelerated by planned op-erations of spatial degradation or destruction, which seem to have become a prominent feature of urban restructuring in the last century. In the workshop, we will approach destruction as a consti-tutive phenomenon of the urban landscape today. We will try to evidence how this theme has been mobilized by a set of artistic practices and we will rehearse, together, the assembly of a cartography of urban destruction based on fragments brought by the participants from their places of origin. [Flora Paim]